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Join the club

Once payment has been made (banking details below) then please email with confirmation. You’ll then get added as a Best Athletics member.

Club Kit

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Orders can be placed via emailing OR through the website link below;




Banking Details

Just A Little Bester Limited

Account number: 22353164

Sort Code: 40-07-04



  1. EA Fee - all active athletes have to pay a £15 registration fee in 2021 to England Athletics (EA) to compete. It is our responsibility to collect it for EA on your behalf together with your subs.

  2. Being a registered runner with EA gives you discount to certain races.

  3. The EA (and Best Athletics) year runs from 1st April to 31st March the following year.

  4. Best Athletics will pay the EA fee on the 1st of April 2021 and this will ensure runners are registered with EA until 31 March 2022.

  5. If you are a member of an existing running club in the UK and would like to be a 1st claim member of Best Athletics, then a transfer request needs to take place. You can either do this by contacting your current club, or Best Athletics can contact EA on your behalf.

  6. GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
    This came fully into effect 25th May 2018 and when you become a member of, or renew your Best Athletics membership, this indicates that you are agreeing for Best Athletics & EA to keep general data on the membership form in electronic form. This data is intended not to be used by the club for anything outside of athletics or gainful purpose beyond club athletics operations and needs. You will automatically be registered as a member of England Athletics and we will provide England Athletics with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal for you (called myAthletics). England Athletics will contact you to invite you to sign into and update your MyAthletics portal (which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings). If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with England Athletics, please contact

Best Vibes
Best Efforts
Best Teammates
Best Athletics

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