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About me

I'm a full-time running coach, and my passion for running has never been stronger. Breaking my sub 2:20 in the Berlin Marathon 2024 (2:19) has fueled my determination to push further and see where this journey can lead me.

As runners, we all experience ups and downs – times when it flows sp effortlessly and others when every step feels like a struggle. Right now, I'm in a phase where I'm loving every moment. Very few things are sweeter in life than a PB. While I know these peak moments won't last forever, I'm fully embracing the journey.


When I first started running, I didn't enjoy it at all. It was so much effort for such little reward. Every km was a slog and I, like much of the rest of the world, couldn’t believe people actually choose to do this and have fun doing it. The only reason why I got into it in the first place was because someone told me I couldn’t do a race. Tell me this and I’ll make a point to try and prove you wrong.


My journey has seen progress year after year, and I'm committed to pushing my limits until I discover my peak. From my early days of reluctantly running to now, where running is an integral part of my life, I've come a long way. It all started with a vow to run one Comrades Marathon in 2014, which has now evolved into over a hundred marathons and counting.


Running is my passion! I’m now at the stage where I almost depend on running. Nothing in the world beats that endorphin release it gives you – NOTHING! 


Let's keep moving forward, chasing dreams, and pushing boundaries and I'm here to help you!


  • Certified Running Leader with England Athletics.

  • Certified Coach in Running Fitness with England Athletics.

  • Certified Gait Analyst: Level 1

  • Qualified PT: Level 2

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